Thursday, October 27, 2011

Pumpkin Carving and The Haunted Mill

For FHE this Monday we decided to get into the Halloween spirit and carve some pumpkins. Trevor is way better at carving than I am. He told me that it was only because he had 9 years and 3 months of more practice ;) Now, no one laugh at my pumpkin. It didn't turn out like I wanted. 

This is going to make a yummy snack!

 Our finished work

Trevor carved this in the back of his pumpkin. Isn't he wonderful?!

About two weeks ago, we went with Mike and Shannon's family to the Haunted Mill for FHE. It was really fun. Lincoln and Shannon didn't go through unfortunately. It wasn't too bad, but there were definitely some really scary parts. We had to go in two groups so it was Trevor, Laura, and I in our group. I was the only one that was screaming my head off. Luckily, there was no camel there to sneeze in my ear :) After the mill we went to G's Dairy and got some delicious ice cream.

Aren't we a great looking bunch :)


The Rowes said...

I LOVE your pumpkins! We don't usually get to carve one down here in TX because they mold out super fast... too much humidity! That ice cream place is yummy.. I wish I was there for that (not so much for the haunted house... too scary!) Miss you guys!

M said...

So fun! I love G's Dairy! We need to go when I'm there.

Allison Rowe said...

Heather: That is so sad you guys really can't carve pumpkins. I would just paint them or decorate them. I miss you guys as well. Trevor wants to come down durning christmas break to escape the cold weather :)

Megan: We will definitely go when you come down NEXT WEEK!! Are you excited to see the Chinese Acrobats?

Emily said...

Love your pumpkins...hope your fish don't get jealous of the new "kids"!

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